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Tips to Improve Posture

I had the good fortune of meeting the one-and-only Ronda Rousey a few weeks ago. Since retiring from the public eye to live the good life on her farm (in her 30s!) Ronda doesn't make alot of appearances anymore. So, when she came to town at the local Barnes & Noble to promote her new books "Our Fight" you better believe I jumped at the chance to go. When I say this was a bucket list moment I truly mean it!

Ronda Rousey book signing event

Ronda was laid back and chill, she seems like the type of person that would be alot of fun to hang out with and talk video games and fantasy! So, because of that meeting with Ronda, I thought I'd make this post and use her for reference.

Ronda is an impeccable athlete, winning a bronze in Judo during the Olympics, becoming the first UFC women's bantamweight champion, and a multi-time champ in WWE. She has always had a physique built to destroy people. It's an athletic build used for function. Because of her extensive training, the results spill over into every day activities.

It was during the reality TV series Stars on Mars that I noticed Ronda's impeccable posture. Where the other stars would slouch or lean over when sitting, Ronda sat straight up in her chair, shoulders back with chin level. This wasn't a forced movement, this was directly from training.

When the core muscles made up of the abdominals and the low back are strong, they will hold your torso up as they're supposed to. The same goes for the trapezius, rhomboids, and deltoids for the upper back and neck.

On the other hand, when these areas are weak you wind up with slouching, pain in the low back, and a hump in the neck. Alot of these problems stem from sitting in front of a computer all day or looking down at a cell phone. The muscles grow weak and stiff causing an array of other problems.

Strengthening and stretching these areas will help to counteract the damage done from modern day conveniences. Here are a few simple tips you can incorporate to start seeing improvement in your posture:

man exposing strong abdominal muscles

  • Planks: There are many ways to do a plank hold. The good news is, all you need is your body and you can incorporate a plank anywhere you feel comfortable doing so. They strengthen not only your core muscles but also shoulders and arms. To start, place your forearms on the ground directly below your shoulders and parallel to the floor. Using the forearms is slightly easier than staying upright on your palms. Extend the legs parallel to the floor without arching the back. Hold for at least 30 seconds. If this is too difficult, you can always start on your knees until you get stronger.

  • Glute bridge: Start by lying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Keep your hands next to your body or folded on your stomach. Push up through your heels and raise your butt off the ground as high as you are comfortable going. Hold for at least 30 seconds, then lower back down. As you get stronger you can hold for longer or start doing single leg bridges.

  • Door stretch: Find an open doorway and set both arms to either side of it with elbows bent to a 90 degree angle. Next, gently lean forward allowing a stretch to come through the pectorals and shoulders. Keep your core tight and breathe for a few reps before slowly stepping back to the start. pulled in, and remember to breathe. Try this a few times throughout the day. You can also play with the positioning of the arms by using the letters of the alphabet in a "Y" "T" or "V" position.

*These tips are for informational use only. Consult your physician before beginning any exercise routine.


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